Thursday, December 30, 2010

Midnight Is My Nemesis

Am I the only person that has trouble staying awake until midnight on New Year's Eve? Every year I dread having to do it. I have even been known to say "SCREW IT!" and go to bed anyway. I actually recall doing that during a party one year. Fortunately the party was where I was living. I don't care what people think, I tire easily when the sun goes down. I honestly think this Friday will be the 4th time all year that I stay awake until midnight.

The first time that I can remember this year was during the Blue Ridge Relay when I had to run at 2AM. One night on the cruise, Liz and I made it until midnight too. That was a huge accomplishment because around 9PM I was ready to go to sleep, but I trudged through it in order to see the comedian they had at 11PM. It was worth it, he was funny. And I say 4th because chances are I must have stayed up late at some point in the Spring or Summer, although I can't remember it.

Anyone who knows me, knows that I am much more of an early bird than I am a late night owl. I can wake up at 4AM on any morning without any problems. Although I can't do that on a consistent basis. If I had to do that every day then that would be a problem. But there is something about 9 or 10PM, every single day, that just makes me start to fall asleep. It's like my body shuts down and my eyes instantly start to close. Even on what should be the easiest day of the year, New Year's Eve, I still can't stick it out.

So tomorrow, I'll do my best to see that ball drop, but I'm not making any promises. If the sleepy bug hits, history shows, I have no problem hitting the light, walking up the stairs to bed, and once again saying "screw it".


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If you lived in Colorado you could watch the ball drop at 10 PM.

I totally made it, fell asleep at 12:15.