Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Happy 3rd Anniversary!!

Today is Liz and my 3rd anniversary and to celebrate we are heading to The Melting Pot. Neither of us have been there before so we are both curious and excited to try it out. I heard you have to cook your own food and if 3 years of marriage has taught me anything, it's that Liz will probably be having a better meal than I will.

We can't believe how fast it has gone. It really doesn't feel like 3 years at all. I have told Liz this a bunch of times but I swear the key to our marriage is how tolerant she is. She is so patient, tolerant, and supportive of the crazy things that I do. So hopefully she can continue to put up with me for 50 more years!

Just thinking through the highs of the past 3 years:

  • Hawaii Honeymoon, too awesome!
  • Adopting Daisy. I will never forget how tiny and awkward she was. We nicknamed her "Magellan" the first day because how curious and independent she was. She definitely continues to live up to it. Also she's not a dog, she's a cat.
  • Liz getting her new job (and still current job), that was exciting seeing as how unhappy she was before.
  • Going to Hilton Head with the family and smuggling Daisy in and out of the building.
  • Our trip to Colorado and skiing together. Can we go back soon? We seriously still talk about moving there. It's a pipe dream though.
  • Adopting Gryffin. And the first time the two dogs met, Gryffin snapped at Daisy.
  • Hosting Liza from Belarus for 6 weeks. YA NEE PAWNEE MYOOO!! (english: "i don't understand"). PREE NEE ME DOOSH!! (english: "Take a shower!")
  • Pawleys Island. For me the most memorable part was Gryffin jumping in the water to save me... unfortunately the current started to take him away and I saved him.
  • Vegetarian Month. Started great, ended with lots of meat. Without Liz's creative skills, the month would have been even worse.
  • Las Vegas. I think we stayed up until 11PM on one of the nights. I put a quarter in a slot machine once. We rock.
  • Marine Corp Marathon trip and the rock that found my windshield on the way home.
  • We've now hosted 4 broods in our birdhouse for a total of 15 fledged babies. We love watching them.
  • Being with our family when baby Audrey was born on Christmas Day. And then putting together the book to send to everyone with all the pictures.
  • Mexico!! Roosters, dogs, and bugs oh my! It was such an awesome experience and the first time flying over the border together.
  • Building the garden this past Spring.
So what do we have to look forward to in the future? Well definitely the Caribbean Cruise this December, that should be amazing. We can never get enough cruising. Then going to Atlanta for the Georgia Marathon in March. And after that, I thought about running the Seattle Marathon next June. That'd be kinda amazing to go up there.

We are going to ignore the fact that this is the "leather" anniversary... we aren't leather people, except on our belts and shoes.

Woo hoo Melting Pot!!


You guys are an incredible couple and Scott and I love you both dearly. We are so lucky to have you in our family!

And...Colorado is NOT a pipe dream. Just let us know when you're halfway ready to make the move, and we'll renovate our basement so you and the dogs can live down there until you get jobs and your own place to live! Then you'll be able to do all the skiing you want. :)

Seattle Marathon? Keep us posted! We might want to come along!

They do the Estes Park Marathon in June. Interested in that one? You guys would have a place to stay! (And we'd help Hillary in convincing you guys it doesn't have to be a pipe dream!)