Friday, October 16, 2009

Proof Dogs Don't Speak English

I had nothing else to post here. Daisy does this all the time (run into the screen) and the only time she doesn't is when we open the door slowly enough that she recognizes the screen there before she has a chance to run... I just really wanted it on video and I got it :).

Sorry for the shakey-ness.


Poor Daisy! I wonder if she'll ever learn?

this is also proof that dogs should never trust a michael

i'm reporting you to the animal shelter! ;-)...

I think the best part of this is Liz's uncontrollable laughter in the background. Hysterical!

haha my dog jumped into the screen door one time cause she was so excited and wanted to join everybody that was outside. It was funny yet sad at the same time... she was so confused.