Saturday, August 30, 2008

Funny Lunch

Today has been a very lazy day... well for me at least. Liz on the other hand has been very productive, but probably not in the most productive way possible. This blog will be a little choppy because it's mostly conversation.

This morning Liz ran errands and did some housework. At noon, I started doing some work and watching the VT game and was sitting on the couch the whole time. Liz calls over from the kitchen

Liz: Hey I'm going to make a pizza for lunch, is that cool?
Michael: yeah that sounds great.

So as I'm sitting here, I hear some vegetables getting cut and Liz frying them on the stove to cook them before putting them on the pizza. Then 10 minutes later:

Liz: Oh CRAP! We have no pizza crust!
Michael: Oh no.

Liz then comes over and lies down on the couch for a minute.

Liz: what should i do?
Michael: (I had absolutely no suggestions for her) no idea.

She then hops up and comes over with a box of homemade pizza crust in her hands and reads the back.

Liz: oh... it requires blah-blah oil... we don't have that... I guess I'll just leave it out.
Michael: it'll probably be fine.

(btw, I say blah-blah oil because I don't remember what it was exactly and she is napping right now. it's rare and weird, I will say that.)

So she goes to work on the dough and this whole time in the kitchen, I can't see her. But I hear the kitchen-aid mixer running and the rolling pin doing it's thing... So after about 15 minutes more:

Liz: I'm waiting for the dough to rise...
Michael: cool!

So Liz walks around doing stuff upstairs and comes down and about 5 minutes later I hear:

Liz: oh crap! We have no pizza sauce!
Michael: you're kidding.
Liz: no, we have no sauce
Michael: have you checked on the cheese? ... make sure we have that.
Liz: Ugh! I'm gonna have to go to the store.
Michael: You want me to?
Liz: No, the dough has to rise anyway, I'll go.
Michael: How long is the oven set for?
Liz: The dough isn't in the oven, it's just sitting out.
Michael: Oh, I didn't know.

So Liz heads out the store and I continue my sitting. She comes back a while later and goes back to work on the pizza. She spreads the sauce and gets the pizza ready and slides it into the oven. Then I hear:

Michael: I'm sure it's fine without it.
Liz: This is going to be the ugliest pizza ever, just to let you know.

10 minutes later, Liz is cleaning the bowls and knives in the sink...

Michael: (I hop up immediately) what happened??!
Liz: I cut myself on the knife, can you run and get a band-aid and neosporin?
Michael: Yeah.

So I run and get it and bring it all down and wrap it up and give the boo boo a kiss. She then walks over and opens the oven door.

Liz: uuugghh!! I burnt the pizza.
Michael: this has been a disastrous lunch.
Liz: yeah it has...

The final results:

So as we sit there eating, 2 hours after lunch was started, it turned out to not too bad considering everything.

Liz: are you impressed with my productivity today? I've gotten a lot done. (talking about the errands she ran before lunch, and the long lunch process, and the stuff she's done around the house).
Michael: yeah, i'm impressed with your perseverance. i'm not impressed with your preparation. (talking about lunch).

But we both agreed it made for a funny lunch.


For those of you who are curious, it was cider vinegar. I don't even know why I had it in the first place, or why it needed to go in the pizza crust.

Baking is a big balancing act, and the addition of that vinegar was most likely to balance a base (like baking soda) for leavening. Any additions of acids to a baking recipe should usually be followed or substituted, which is evident if you've ever tried to make biscuits from scratch without buttermilk and ended up with hockey pucks. =)

Oil in pizza dough is optional though. I've made it both ways and it just adds a little bit of suppleness to the dough.