Saturday, January 26, 2008

New Daisy Trick

So we recently discovered this week that Daisy knows a trick and we did very little to encourage her learning it. But sure enough, one day I decided to give it a try and she hopped up and did it like it was the natural thing to do. The trick is called "High-Fives!" and she is getting a lot better at it... check it out:

So that is 1 trick down for my new years resolution.

I also have been busting my butt lately to finish the bedroom upstairs where we are putting beadboard. I am painting it now and should have it done this weekend so I will post a picture once I am finished. That would be 1 project down out of the 3 that I said I would finish. The next one on tap is the garage organization. We didn't take a before picture of the bedroom but I really wish we had. So as for the garage, I will definitely be documenting how it looked before I started working on organizing it. As for the 3rd project, fixing the deck, I can't really do that until it gets warmer out. And I realize this is no Michigan, Ohio, or Colorado... but it's been between 20 and 40 degrees here and that's enough to keep me indoors.